ESPN 680 meet preview Thurs 9-11a CT





Louisville’s ESPN 680 KY Downs Preview 9-11 AM Central Thursday
Louie Rabaut, left, and Brian Lynch at last year’s Kentucky Downs Preview day at The Blind Squirrel.

Louie Rabaut is hosting the third annual Kentucky Downs Preview show on Louisville’s ESPN 680/105.7 Thursday from 9-11 a.m. Central. The show broadcasts live from the Blind Squirrel restaurant and sports bar in Middletown in eastern Jefferson County. Taking over weekday sports-talk Rabaut & Co. for the morning, Louie’s guests will include two-time defending (and three-time overall) riding champion Tyler Gaffalione; Kentucky Downs co-director of racing operations Martin Panza, who will talk in part about the European horses coming to race; trainer Joe Sharp; Kentucky Downs Vice President for Racing Ted Nicholson; Bill Landes, member and former chair of the Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation’s Kentucky Thoroughbred Development Fund advisory committee; and trainer Kelsey Danner.

Reserved-seating, all-inclusive tickets (buffet, snacks, open bar) in the Finish Line Pavilion for Kentucky Downs’ Aug. 29 opening card will be given away during the show. A highlight bonus show will air 6-7 p.m. CT Thursday on ESPN 680/105.7.

ESPN 680/105.7 will be broadcasting live from Kentucky Downs on the Thursday, Aug. 29 opening card, starting with Mark Blankenbaker (6-9 a.m. CT), co-host of the Drew Deener Show; Rabaut & Co. (9-11 a.m. CT) and Bob Valvano’s ESPN V Show (11 a.m.-2 p.m. CT). Blankenbaker and Rabaut will be back live at the track on Thursday, Sept. 5.

All the ESPN 680/105.7 broadcasts can be accessed through 680-AM/105.7 FM in Louisville (the Deener Show also airs on 93.9 FM), streaming worldwide on and the ESPN 680/105.7 app.

Nicholson is this week’s Green Group Guest of the Week on the TDN Writers’ Room Podcast presented by Keeneland. Click here for video

The Paulick Report is running a Q&A series with notable participants at the Kentucky Downs meet. Last week was Danner on making every race count at the unique track.

Previously: Announcer Larry Collmus on hills, blindspots and a long, long stretch.

Jockey Florent Geroux on piloting on an usual course.

Jockey agent Jose Santos Jr. (Santos Inc.) on booking mounts in an ultra-competitive colony.

Oddsmaker Nick Tammaro on the track’s one-of-a-kind challenge.

ESPN 680 meet preview Thurs 9-11a CT - Kentucky Downs